Panat­toni | Image-Brochure

What Do You Know About Panattoni?

Panat­toni Europe is a full-ser­vice devel­op­er for indus­tri­al and logis­tics real estate. The port­fo­lio includes build-to-suit solu­tions, fee devel­op­ment, logis­tics parks and prop­er­ty management.

Since enter­ing the Euro­pean mar­ket in 2005, Panat­toni has devel­oped more than 6.3 mil­lion square meters of new space. In Ger­many, one of the company’s focus mar­kets, Panat­toni Europe has devel­oped more than 30 new projects in the last three years and was named Top Devel­op­er 2017 by bulwiengesa.

What do you know about Panat­toni? In the image brochure you will learn more! Idea, con­cept, design and text were devel­oped by the adver­tis­ing agency Stu­dio Szczes­ny, Ham­burg, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with teamtosse.