Panat­toni Cam­pus Hanover City Cen­tre: Panat­toni launch­es light­house project in state capital

With the Panat­toni Cam­pus Hanover City Cen­tre, Panat­toni, the lead­ing project devel­op­er for indus­tri­al and logis­tics prop­er­ties in Europe, is launch­ing a light­house project in the state cap­i­tal of Low­er Sax­ony. The mod­ern, third-par­ty use indus­tri­al park com­pris­es a new struc­ture for the exist­ing ten­ant, Nex­ans Deutsch­land GmbH, a busi­ness park based on the City Dock con­cept and a Panat­toni Park. Thus, Panat­toni is com­bin­ing large-scale hall struc­tures with small-scale busi­ness parks and cre­at­ing a mod­ern cam­pus solu­tion with flex­i­bly des­ignable lots for region­al and inter­na­tion­al users. The total usable area com­pris­es 100,000 m² and a total of 981 park­ing spaces for pas­sen­ger vehi­cles on the exte­ri­or premis­es. Future employ­ees will prof­it from the excel­lent loca­tion, infra­struc­ture and con­nec­tion, only 14 min­utes by car to the Hanover air­port and 15 min­utes by car to the main train sta­tion. The inner-city motor­way access to the A2 is also only 4 min­utes away.

The Panat­toni Cam­pus Hanover City Cen­tre will be one of the largest inner-city brown­field projects in Ger­many. To this end, the project devel­op­er is revi­tal­is­ing a 167,678 m² indus­tri­al site with a more than 130-year indus­tri­al his­to­ry and the var­i­ous result­ing types of soil con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Although the exist­ing user and anchor ten­ant, Nex­ans Deutsch­land, an inter­na­tion­al­ly active cable man­u­fac­tur­er head­quar­tered in Paris, France, and pre­vi­ous com­pa­nies have pro­duced cables on this plot for around 100 years. The prop­er­ty was acquired in March 2022, after the plant was closed. Panat­toni had all of the exist­ing build­ings torn down by Hage­dorn, a com­pa­ny with a long, proven track record and with which Panat­toni has a coop­er­a­tive rela­tion­ship. A major­i­ty of the min­er­al-based demo­li­tion mate­r­i­al will be reused for the hall sub­struc­ture and frost protection.

The devel­op­er is build­ing a new BTS build­ing with a usable area of 9,200 m² for Nex­ans. Of that, approx. 6,500 m² are ware­house space and 2,800 m² are office space, with an addi­tion­al 2,500 m² of out­door stor­age space.

In addi­tion, the cam­pus includes a Panat­toni Park which makes 72,800 m² of indus­tri­al space, divid­ed across three build­ings, avail­able to future users from the auto­mo­tive, stor­age, pro­duc­tion and eCom­merce sec­tors. Of that, around 60,000 are ware­house space, approx. 4,000 m² are office space, and 6,800 m² are inte­ri­or mez­za­nine space. The build­ing has an effec­tive height of 12.20 m (to bot­tom of girders).

The com­mer­cial and busi­ness park, accord­ing to the City Dock con­cept, com­pris­es a total area of approx. 22,000 , of which approx­i­mate­ly 13,400 m² are ware­house space, and 4,400 m² are office space and 4,400 m² are flex­i­ble-use space. The build­ing has an effec­tive height of approx. 8 m (to bot­tom of gird­ers). With the City Docks, Panat­toni is pre­sent­ing a solu­tion for devel­op­ing com­mer­cial lots in urban loca­tions aimed at wide range of users with diverse busi­ness mod­els. In par­tic­u­lar, small and medi­um-sized enter­pris­es (SMEs), the pro­duc­tion indus­try, trade, com­merce and start-ups can prof­it from the need-based usabil­i­ty of the areas and excel­lent acces­si­bil­i­ty and infra­struc­ture. Due to the cus­tomis­able options for the flex­i­ble-use areas, which can be mod­u­lar­ly expand­ed or com­bined with respect to their size and allo­ca­tion, ten­ants can par­tic­i­pate in design­ing their spaces.

Anja Ritschel, Direc­tor of Eco­nom­ic and Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vice of the State Cap­i­tal Hanover says the fol­low­ing about the Panat­toni Cam­pus Hanover City Cen­tre, “We are pleased that the for­mer Nex­ans premis­es is going to be revi­talised and holis­ti­cal­ly devel­oped. This is also in line with the city’s goals con­cern­ing the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or devel­op­ment of com­mer­cial lots. With the per­sis­tent short­age of com­mer­cial lots with­in the city and con­tin­ued high demand, this project is a real asset!”

While devel­op­ing the indus­tri­al park, Panat­toni is focussing on sus­tain­abil­i­ty aspects. To this end, the project will be built accord­ing to the DGNB gold cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and the high­er sus­tain­abil­i­ty stan­dards set forth by the Panat­toni Green Build­ing con­cept. This includes a mul­ti-lay­ered pack­age of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment mea­sures of the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or areas, includ­ing the use of dis­trict heat­ing, the instal­la­tion of pho­to­volta­ic sys­tems (PV) for the low-emis­sion sup­ply of ener­gy, sky­lights, a rain­wa­ter cis­tern and irri­ga­tion of the exte­ri­or areas and e‑charging sta­tions for elec­tric cars and bicy­cles. In addi­tion, CO2-sav­ing facade ele­ments made of recy­cled con­crete will be used. The social aspect will also be tak­en into account by cre­at­ing a well-being area with spaces for bar­be­cu­ing, table ten­nis, boules and chess, and much more.

“The devel­op­ment of the cam­pus solu­tion in the Hanover city cen­tre is a spe­cial project that we are very proud of. The nov­el lot con­cept with var­i­ous user focal points address­es the indi­vid­ual needs and demands of exist­ing and future users and cre­ates addi­tion­al val­ue for the city. On the Nex­ans site, we are cre­at­ing new and sus­tain­able lots that hon­our its indus­tri­al his­to­ry. We would like to say thank you for the excel­lent part­ner­ship of equals with Nex­ans Deutsch­land, BNP Paribas Real Estate and the City and region of Hanover,” explains Fred-Markus Bohne, Man­ag­ing Part­ner at Panat­toni Ger­many and Austria.

The cam­pus solu­tion, which com­pris­es an invest­ment vol­ume in the mid, three-dig­it mil­lion range, will be com­plet­ed in two con­struc­tion phas­es. The earth­works and drainage work for the first con­struc­tion phase will start in May 2023. The first con­struc­tion phase is slat­ed for com­ple­tion in the first quar­ter of 2024. The demo­li­tion work was car­ried out by Hage­dorn between July 2022 and March 2023. Through­out the demo­li­tion process to date, around 5 tons of muni­tions and equip­ment from World War II have been found in the form of grenades and two five-hun­dred­weight bombs.

BNP Paribas Real Estate accom­pa­nied the pur­chase of the prop­er­ty and is also respon­si­ble for mar­ket­ing the site.

More infor­ma­tion about the Panat­toni Cam­pus Hanover City Cen­tre can be found at: Panat­toni Cam­pus Han­nover Zentrum